2 pounds ground beef
2 quarts bite-size pieces of peeled potatoes (about 3-1/2 pounds)
1-1/2 cups peeled and sliced carrots (about 2 large)
2 cups chopped celery (about 4 stalks)
1 cup chopped onion
1 can (15 ounces) tomato sauce
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon dried thyme
16-1/2 cups water
Canning salt

Crumble ground beef and cook until browned. Drain excess fat. Combine all but the salt in a large stock pot. Add 16-1/2 cups water and bring to a boil. Boil 5 minutes. Divide solids evenly between 7 clean, hot quart jars. Jars will be about half full. Add 3/4 teaspoon canning salt to each jar. Ladle cooking liquid into each jar leaving 1-inch headspace. If needed, add boiling water to bring each jar up to the 1-inch headspace. Wipe jar rims with a vinegar-soaked cloth or paper towel. Put on warm lids and canning rings. Process in a pressure canner according to the charts below:

Weighted gauge canner
 Processing timeAltitude 0-1000 feetAbove 1000 feet
Pints75 minutes10 lb15 lb
Quarts90 minutes10 lb15 lb

Dial gauge canner
 Processing time0-2,000 ft2,001-
4,000 ft
4,001 –
6,000 ft
8,000 ft
Pints75 minutes11 lb12 lb13 lb14 lb
Quarts90 minutes11 lb12 lb13 lb14 lb

Makes 7 quarts.

Instructions and processing times based on guidelines and recommendations from Ball and The National Center for Home Food Preservation.

Recipe adapted from “Home-Canned Hamburger and Potato Soup Recipe” by Jenny Underwood