Apples can be dehydrated with or without the peel. Wash, core, and slice large apples. Wash, halve, and core small apples before slicing. Use an apple corer or apple corer/slicer to core large apples. Use a knife or sturdy melon baller to core small apples. Slice about 1/4-inch thick. Soak in a solution of 1/4 cup lemon juice per 4 cups water for 10 minutes. Drain apples well and place on dehydrator trays. Dehydrate at 130o for 5 to 15 hours depending on the humidity in your area and whether you want leathery apples or crisp apples.
One square dehydrator tray yields about 1-1/2 cups dehydrated small apples.
Dried apples may be dry heat processed in jars to lengthen their shelf life.